How Tapping Helped Me Heal My Body
Apr 04, 2024
Last summer, I was diagnosed with blood clots stemming from my birth control, a diagnosis that sent shockwaves through my life.
After six months on blood thinners, I finally bid them farewell in January, only to be met with a new set of alarming symptoms shortly thereafter.
During a trip to Banff for a content retreat, I began experiencing troubling sensations in my heart, including pain, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Needless to say, it was a frightening experience, especially given my history with blood clots.
This marked my fourth visit to the hospital in just six months, where I was fitted with a heart monitor for 24 hours. The results were alarming, with my resting heart rate spiking to 175bpm—a cause for serious concern.
After weeks of being monitored and working with cardiologists they determined a benign arrhythmia that I've likely had my whole life but the blood clots brought to the surface.
Although, uncomfortable (and a little scary at times) it is something that fairly easy to regulate with medication & might even go away on it's own in time.
Here's how Tapping has helped me through this journey & can help you too:
1) It's helped me feel safe when I was scared.
Heart issues aren't something to mess around with and there were numerous moments in the past 8 -months that I was afraid I was going to die. (It might sound dramatic but in the moment it felt very real.)
I'll never forget sitting in the hospital bed in the ICU feeling overwhelmed with fear of what was happening. I started Tapping and the tears started to flow, I was able to acknowledge the truth of how I was feeling, cry it out and find peace & safety in myself.
2) It brought immediate relief.
There was a moment earlier this year when I was driving where my heart rate spiked, my body started shaking, I felt really cold, and thought I was going to be sick (signs of shock).
Immediately started Tapping, knowing that it would bring blood flow to my brain, helping me to calm down.
And it did just that!
After a few minutes of Tapping I could feel it regulate my nervous system, I began to breathe better, allowing me to calm down, and get to the hospital safely.
3) When there's something phyiscal going on, there's something subconscious going on.
Tapping revealed the intricate connection between my physical symptoms and deeper emotional issues I had been holding onto. It showed me where shame & fear had been preventing me from growing & healing. It helped me recognize and address underlying traumas that were manifesting in my body & release them.
4) Tapping helped me see my body isn't trying to work against me, it's trying to work with me.
Through tapping, I learned to view my body not as a problem to be fixed, but as a partner in my healing journey, sending me signals & symptoms not to scare me but to alert me & communicate with me. Tapping empowered me to see my body as an ally rather than an adversary and communicate with it.
5) Tapping enabled me to confront and release the trauma associated with my diagnosis and treatment.
By revisiting pivotal moments in my health journey, I was able to dismantle fear and foster a sense of peace and acceptance for what had happened.
As I've said many times before, Tapping doesn't stop hard things from happening to us but it helps us navigate with more peace, understanding and resilience.
Tapping has helped me find my power in moments when I felt out of control & scared. Reminding me of my incredible ability to heal myself.
If you're currently navigating your own healing crisis, or someone you love is, I invite you to explore the transformative power of tapping. I have a great free resource I’m happy to send your way!
Remember, healing is not a linear path—it's a journey marked by twists, turns, and moments of profound discovery. With tapping by your side, you can navigate this journey with courage, resilience, and grace.
PS: Listen to the full story on my Podcast here:
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