When itโ€™s time to let go of what once worked & itโ€™s time to build something new.

business tips eft tapping female entrepreneur May 19, 2024
Standing By The Ocean In High Heels

Letting Go of What Once Worked:

In March, I finally decided to let go of a strategy that had once been the cornerstone of my business: live launching. Over time, this approach had begun to feel like a long, slow decline that I was resisting to release. Letting it go wasn’t easy, especially when it had been the primary source of my income. About a year and a half ago, God gave me the message that it was time to move on, but I felt uneasy and insecure because I didn’t know how I would replace that strategy and the revenue it generated. Launch after launch, the numbers dwindled until, by March, they had dropped to nothing.

Step 1: Accept It

Embracing change starts with acceptance, feeling the emotions that come with letting go, and being open to new possibilities. The best way to navigate this process is through EFT Tapping. Give yourself the space to express your feelings and fears. Ask yourself, “Why don't I want to let it go? What am I afraid will happen?” Write down your thoughts and tap them out.

When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Appears

Last August, I discovered my mentor, Leanne, who had also transitioned her business away from live launching towards a more sustainable sales strategy. When she was pregnant, she realized she wanted more time freedom to be with her baby. She asked herself three important questions: “What do I want to experience? Who do I have to be, and what do I have to do?” For her, it was about creating consistent daily sales, not just spurts of income. Two years later, she celebrated her first million-dollar month!

Building with God

The other side of releasing is always receiving, but when we are in the thick of it, it can be hard to see the other side. Letting go and facing uncertainty is about trusting the path and continuing forward. That’s what trailblazers do. We’re not afraid of the unknown because we know God is guiding us and has something good in store.

It’s like traveling with a friend who’s been to the place you’re going but you haven’t. It might seem uncomfortable, bumpy, and a little long sometimes, but God is whispering every step of the way, “It’ll be worth it. Just wait, it’s beautiful on the other side.” I’ve learned to take God’s hand on this journey and keep walking the path that is presented.

The Rewards of Change

Since March, my business has felt better than it has in a year and a half. Just this past weekend I implemented a new strategy that brought me 12 new leads from one email! In the past, I would have to produce a big online event to stir up new leads and sales. My productivity levels are soaring. My creativity is flowing. New system are being built in my business that I've wanted to have for years. Soulmate clients are finding me in new ways and filling my programs. I've started a podcast and this blog, and I’ve attracted clients who are a perfect fit for my business. The momentum is amazing.



Letting go of what once worked in your business can be scary, but it can also lead to incredible growth and new opportunities. Trust the path, embrace change, and know that God has a plan for you. When you release, you always receive. Something new is being born in you!

If you are going through season of releasing what once worked & you're ready to build something new I have a tapping script for you! 

Download here: 


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