How I Helped a 7-Figure Earner Heal Anxiety and Reignite Her Creativity

7-figure earner anxiety relief eft tapping parts of self tapping Oct 03, 2024

How I Helped a 7-Figure Earner Heal Anxiety and Reignite Her Creativity

It’s easy to assume that someone who has built a multi-seven-figure business has it all figured out. After all, success on that level must mean you’ve found the key to balance, creativity, and confidence, right?

But what happens when the very things that helped you achieve success begin to feel like a burden?

Recently, I worked with a client who is a multiple 7-figure earner, and even with all her accomplishments, she found herself feeling stuck and anxious. Our first session revealed some surprising truths about what was really going on—and how reconnecting with the hidden parts of herself led to a powerful transformation in just one session.

Let me share her story with you.

The Truth Behind Her Anxiety

When my client first came to me, she described feeling overwhelmed and anxious, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint why. She had recently moved and felt enormous pressure to maintain her income level in her new environment. But this anxiety wasn’t just about the move or the finances—it ran much deeper.

As we dug into her feelings, she explained that her spirit felt “squashed,” as if the freedom and creativity that once fueled her success had been locked away. She was used to living as a digital nomad, traveling, and creating wherever and whenever she wanted. Now, she felt trapped, like her wings had been clipped.

She compared herself to celebrities like Paris Hilton or Britney Spears, who, after achieving stardom, had people around them saying, “Thanks, that’s enough now,” shutting down their magic and creativity. Her soul felt similarly silenced, and this misalignment was the true source of her anxiety.

Meeting the Hidden Parts of Herself

What we discovered during our session was that her anxiety stemmed from a part of herself that had been shut out—a free-spirited, creative part that longed for space and freedom but was now feeling imprisoned. This is where I introduced her to my Parts of Self Tapping Method.

This method helps you meet the different parts of yourself that might be hiding in the shadows, either misunderstood, judged, or pushed away. During our session, we met two important parts of her:

  1. The anxious part that had been taking up so much mental space, worrying about maintaining her success.
  2. The free-spirited part that felt creatively trapped, unable to express herself fully because of the new responsibilities weighing her down.

By tapping into these parts and giving them space to express their truth, we were able to bring them back into balance. She was able to see that both the anxiety and the free-spirited part needed acknowledgment and integration.

Unlocking Creativity and Releasing Anxiety

The breakthrough moment came when we acknowledged and accepted these parts of her, and reiterated their place in her life moving forward. As we tapped together, she felt massive waves of clarity wash over her. Her fear of the unknown, the tightness in her chest, and the overwhelming anxiety melted away.

She later messaged me with so much excitement about how clear she now felt. She could finally see the path forward, and it wasn’t clouded by the fear that had been holding her back.

Why Misalignment Causes Anxiety

The truth is, anxiety often shows up when we are out of alignment with who we truly are. In my client’s case, the pressure to maintain her income level and the responsibilities of her new life made her free spirit feel like it had been locked up. This misalignment caused a deep internal conflict.

When parts of ourselves are misunderstood or judged, we tend to lock them away in a “shame closet,” thinking they are no longer needed or worthy. But these parts hold the most magic. They are the keys to unlocking our next level of growth, success, and happiness.

What Parts of You Are Ready to Come Out of Hiding?

I want to invite you to consider: What part of you feels judged or misunderstood by others? What part of you have you locked away because it didn’t seem to fit with the version of success you were told you had to maintain?

The part of you that has been hiding holds immense power—it’s the part that can help you build your dream life, just like my client. By giving it the space and attention it deserves, you can shift your perspective and release the anxiety that may be holding you back.

Take a moment to reflect on these questions:

  • What parts of yourself are showing up right now, begging for attention?
  • What patterns do you notice around your current experience of anxiety or stress?
  • What would happen if you welcomed these parts of yourself back into your life with love and acceptance?

Your Next Steps Toward Freedom

My client’s transformation was swift because we were able to dive deep and meet the parts of herself that were ready to come out of hiding. Once she tapped into these truths, her anxiety lifted, and she regained the clarity and freedom that had been missing.

You have the same opportunity. If anxiety, overwhelm, or creative blocks are clouding your path, I encourage you to explore the Parts of Self Tapping Method. You don’t have to carry the weight of misalignment any longer.

Give yourself permission to unlock the parts of you that hold the magic, and watch how quickly your anxiety fades and your creativity flourishes.

If you’re ready to dive into this powerful method, explore my tapping sessions designed to help you reconnect with the parts of yourself that hold the key to your next level of growth. Download my free tapping guide to get started now. 


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