Birthday Episode: What worked & what didn't last year

Welcome back to the Wildly Wealthy Woman Podcast! 

This episode is jammed packed tis episode with golden nuggets full of what to do & what NOT to do on your journey to greatness. 

Tony Robbins Says, "Success leaves clues"

This episode will give you a peek inside Jackie's world from the people she hires, to the books she reads, and the things that she tried in the past year that worked & the things that didn't work. 

If you are a woman on the journey to greatness, you will love this episode & Jackie's upcoming masterclass called: The Best In The Business - 3 things successful women do to bring their dreams to life.

Get access here: 

If you enjoyed today's episode please share it & tag jackie @thajackiemcdonald on Instagram.

Happy Tapping!